Sunnie & Ritchie's Awards

<BGSOUND SRC="DontTellMe.mid">

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                    Cool Site Award
Shooter's Cool Site Award
Awarded to Avant 9/24/00 .... Thanks Shooter!
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Awarded to Avant 9/24/00.. Thank you Donna

Canines of America's Top Dog Award!

Awarded to Avant 9/25/00... Thank you
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Awarded to Avant 9/26/00.. Thank you Gabby & Kelsey
Yorkie Award
Awarded to Avant 9/26/00.. Thank you Julie
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Awarded to Avant 9/27/00.. Thank you Judy
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Awarded to Avant 10/6/00.. Thank you Yorkielane
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Awarded to Avant 10/7/00.. Thank you Catt
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Awarded to Avant 10/8/00. Thank you Jane
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Awarded to Avant 10/9/00.. Thank you Rick
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Awarded to Avant  10/12/00.
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Awarded to Avant 10/30/00. Thank you Barb
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Awarded to Avant 10/30/00. Thank you Paula

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Copyright August 1, 2000
Avant Yorkshire Terriers. All rights reserved
Do not remove any Photo's, Graphics, or text from these pages
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Thank you.

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